FAIRBURY, NE — Safety is the name of the game Tuesday at the Jefferson County Fairgrounds.

"It's so wonderful to bring it back this year," Progressive Ag Safety Day Coordinator and Jefferson Community Health and Life Public Relations Director Lana Likens said. "Through '20 and '21 with Covid, we just felt it wasn't what we ought to do."

Back for the first time since before the pandemic, Progressive Ag Safety Day teaches kids about a variety of safety and health topics, good for both on and off the farm.

"We have eight different sessions going on throughout the day," Likens said. "A lot of people think it's all about Ag, and there's a lot about Ag, but it's not all about Ag. The safety really spans a pretty broad range." 

The list of topics includes safety around lawnmowers, tractors and wildlife, the dangers of chemicals, when to dial 911, grain bin safety, weather safety and eating healthy. Progressive Ag Safety Day Coordinator Lana Likens says about 90 kids — with ages ranging from kindergarten to 7th grade — took part. This is the 23rd iteration of the event.

A variety of organizations pitched in to present, including Jefferson Community Health and Life, Norris Public Power District, Fairbury Rural Fire, Nebraska Game and Parks and even the National Weather Service. Members of local FFA chapters served as group leaders.

"The older students are such great role models for the kids," Likens said. "They're here to be group leaders, to get them where they need to go safely, to help them learn and to help them grow. We really couldn't do it without our volunteers."

Likens says local communities have been extremely supportive as well. She says that will work to grow the event in the future.

"Mostly what we'd like to do is get the word out to everyone in the area that it's not just for farm kids," Likens said. "This is really a day that is meant for all kids."