Auburn singles out all-terrain vehicles for ban

AUBURN – The Auburn City Council gave first reading Monday to an ordinance that would repeal the use of all-terrain vehicles on city streets and alleys.
Resident Larry Draper asked why ATVs are being singled out after years without serious issues.
Mayor Chris Erickson said he met with City Attorney Angelo Ligouri, City Administrator Crystal Dunekacke and new city councilmembers Johnny Curtright and Brian Lavigne regarding ATV's reputation since they were allowed in 2019.
Erickson: “I’ve complained lots of times. They are going fast enough that law enforcement can’t catch up to them. It seems like the ATVs don’t, other than snow removal, have a purpose on our streets. … I think UTVs are much safer and we are also looking at adding golf carts.”

Dawna Hall - many benefits of ATVS
Curtright said there have been complaints of ATVs overloaded with passengers and speeding around.
Dawna Hall of Auburn said there are a lot of benefits to using ATVs, including getting around the neighborhood without starting up the car and snow removal from alleys.
Hall: “I haven’t seen any problems with four-wheelers driving around town. Why all a sudden a limit of one versus the other because they both do the same thing? I think they should be treated equal. … If you’re abiding by the speed limit, I don’t know what the harm is -- If you’re abiding by the ordinances that are in place. I would think our law enforcement would be able to issue a ticket, revoke, whatever they need to do without banning and taking your ordinance away.”
Councilman Tom Clark said enforcement of the ordinance and prosecution of violations are unlikely to be effective in preventing abuses. He also voiced opposition to adding golf carts to the ordinance prior to moving for adjournment.
In other action, the city council approved $6,200 in stipends for volunteer firefighters who earned credits through the state’s volunteer emergency responders incentive program.
Qualified volunteers are John Ackherman, Sam Ackerman, Andrew Behrends, Melody Billings, Shawn Clark, Kody Cooper, Riley Grable, Ryan Jones, Darwin McCollum, Kalem Saunders and Renee Critser. Assistant fire chiefs Chris Jobe and Vaughn Severs qualify for local stipends.
The city council updated an ordinance regarding the powers and duties of the mayor. The ordinance says the mayor has veto power over any ordinance, resolution or contract approved by the city council. The mayor shall vote to break a tie on the city council.
The library reports 53 attended the build an animal workshop.