STATEWIDE, Neb. – 12 Nebraska economic organizations are recipients of a total of $12,540,000 in funds from the Nebraska Department of Economic Development.

The DED announced the awards Tuesday to select communities with the money coming from the Rural Workforce Housing Fund.

Authorized by the Rural Workforce Housing Investment Act of 2017, the RWHF helps communities create quality, affordable housing to accommodate growth.

For the 2024 funding cycle, RWHF awards were available to eligible non-profit development organizations who supplied at least a twenty-five percent match.

Rural Workforce Housing Fund Recipients, March 2025
Recipient Project Area Local Match RWHF Award
Center for Rural Affairs Schuyler, York $520,000 $2,000,000
Community of Butte Development Corporation Butte $150,000 $400,000
Cuming County Economic Development West Point $700,000 $700,000
Grand Island Area Economic Development Corp. Grand Island $300,000 $1,200,000
Hastings Economic Development Corporation Hastings $550,000 $1,500,000
Merrick County Development Corp. Central City $361,200 $1,200,000
Midwest Housing Initiatives Beatrice, Nebraska City $350,000 $950,000
NeighborWorks Northeast Nebraska Columbus $500,000 $1,000,000
NeighborWorks Northeast Nebraska Norfolk $500,000 $1,000,000
Niobrara Development Incorporated Niobrara $100,000 $400,000
North Platte Area Chamber & Development Corp. North Platte $610,000 $1,190,000
Sherman County Economic Development, Inc. Loup City, Sherman County $300,000 $1,000,000
Total   $4,941,200 $12,540,000

“In the current market, it’s challenging to develop reasonably priced housing in rural areas,” said DED Director K.C. Belitz.
“Rural Workforce Housing Fund awards can be matched with local dollars to create a revolving loan fund to finance housing construction. Upon sale of the housing units, money is repaid to the fund so that it can be loaned again. This creates an ongoing funding instrument to help develop affordable housing in rural communities.”

For more information about the RWHF program, visit