A Guy Stole an Electric Walmart Shopping Cart . . . So He Wouldn't Get a DUI
It's hard to make rational decisions when you're this drunk, I guess.
There's a 32-year-old guy named Brice Williams from Denham Springs, Louisiana. And he was arrested Sunday around midnight after he showed up at a bar . . . on an electric shopping cart from Walmart.
When the cops confronted him, he admitted he'd stolen the shopping cart from a Walmart about a half mile away.
Why? He was drunk, and he was afraid he'd get a DUI if he drove his own car . . . so he figured it would be a better idea to steal the cart and drive that.
Well, it wasn't. He was charged with unauthorized use of a moveable. That crime is a felony and has a maximum sentence of up to a $5,000 fine and two years in prison.
A first offense of driving while intoxicated is a misdemeanor and has a maximum sentence of up to a $1,000 fine and six months in prison.
(Here's his very blurry mugshot.)