BEATRICE – A group of local residents calling themselves the Beatrice First Impression Committee wants to come up with new welcome signs at the entrances to the City of Beatrice.

The current signs have been in place since the 1980s. 

Angie Bruna, who is Executive Director of the Beatrice Area Chamber of Commerce, is chairing the committee which wants to implement a design previously obtained by the City of Beatrice.  Working with the Stake Your Claim Foundation, the special committee is examining fundraising opportunities and potential grants.

Committee members anticipate a variety of buildings contractors will be needed to help bring the project to reality.   Firms interested in providing services for the project are encouraged to contact Bruna to provide quotes….which will be accepted until April 30th.

The committee would raise funds and oversee construction, with the City of Beatrice helping to supervise and provide some in-kind help with the project.  The city would then maintain the signs in the future. 

Officials project a completion date for new welcome signs, in October of 2024.