U.S. Highway 77 reopens near Dempster fire site

BEATRICE – U.S. Highway 77 in Beatrice has been reopened to full traffic, Tuesday morning, next to the former Dempster property….the scene of a major fire Friday night. Fire crews were at the scene Monday handling hotspots and addressing unstable areas back from the highway.
Although U.S. 77 has reopened, a concrete barrier has been placed along the west sidewalk near the building, to keep people away from area where material could fall from the building.
City officials say investigation of the blaze continues, but it is believed to have been Incendiary caused, according to a Nebraska Fire Marshal’s investigator.
In addition to taking down a front-facing part of the building along the highway, officials say a section toward the back of the property remained unstable and was being taken down, Monday.
The City of Beatrice has been working to acquire remaining parcels of the former Dempster Manufacturing property, with the goal over the long term to demolish all buildings and clean up the site. The city is seeking Brownfields Grant support through the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to complete the task.
Three years ago, the EPA removed thousands of gallons of diesel fuel and other hazardous materials left at the site. Rubble from the fire is the subject of collaboration with the EPA and Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy, as to proper disposal.
In addition to Beatrice Fire and Rescue, Beatrice Rural firefighters, Fairbury and Jefferson County fire units….departments assisting include Gage County Emergency Management, Beatrice Police…along with city electric, water, street, engineering and community development personnel.