BEATRICE – The Gage County Board of Supervisors will become an all-Republican body this month. Wednesday it bid farewell to the two lone Democrats, who were not reelected.

The board honored both Dave Swavely of Beatrice and Don Schuller of Wymore, for their contributions to the debate and progress the county has made. Both were presented plaques in appreciation of their service to the county and a reception was held after the board’s regular meeting.

Swavely, who previously had served as a supervisor years ago, was reappointed to the 4th district position to fill a vacancy. Schuller is completing a first term as a 6th district supervisor.

Swavely said it’s important a board focuses less on personal agendas…but on actions that help all residents in the county.

"I think this board gets along real well even though we don't agree sometimes. Sometimes we call each other out, but we still get along with each other and that's the important thing to do."  Being a supervisor is not a popularity contest.

"We did some good, some places....we didn't in some other places. Some people didn't like what we did and that's just part of our job. That's what we were elected to do."

Schuller said a good board brings ideas together, holds discussion and comes up with the best compromise.
"I've lobbied for completing the three miles of gravel road, turning it to hard surface, by Virginia. That is on the one-and-six-year plan, and efforts are being made to get a grant for that. And, I hope the board will continue to keep that project in the forefront."

One area where the most heated discussions have taken place is in zoning and special use permit issues on agricultural and clean energy projects. Schuller weighed in on that.

"If the county is going to look at each site separately, the process for special use permits needs to be reviewed and changed. Companies spend thousands of dollars to do business and be ready to do business under our county, thinking they are following our regulations in anticipation of getting approved....only to be turned down due to specific site issues. This discourages companies from looking at us, for development. This is something I'd like to see changed, or at least rectified."

Colleagues expressed appreciation in getting to know the two board members…and the value of their input.
Supervisors Chairman Erich Tiemann said although elected by party…he’s appreciated the time and insight both Swavely and Schuller have provided….and he’ll miss both representatives. Supervisor Emily Haxby said the board agrees on issues more often, than not….something perhaps not always recognized.