JEFFERSON COUNTY, Neb. -- It takes an entire year to plan the Jefferson County Fair, but one of most physically grueling parts is setting up the fairgrounds. 

Tony Likens, Fair Board Secretary, came up with a solution for it.

“You try to do it all and it’s just…So, we started hiring some kids,” said Likens. “They’ll start a week or 10 days before, depending on holidays and what not. They come in and they’ll get things all set up.”

The Fair Board started hiring college and high school students around 15 years ago, with Fairbury Senior Korey Nippert, being a recent addition. 

Although this is his first year helping with the setup, he has quickly gotten to work. 

“Probably over the past two weeks, we have cleaned, sprayed and swept everything up,” said Nippert. “Like all of the leaves and messes in the barns.”

Nippert said he knew help was needed and decided to step in. 

“It’s a lot of work and some people need help. So six of us working down here, helping,” said Nippert.

Along with a good heart, an additional incentive can reel in young workers too. 

“Make some money. Have fun around some friends,” said Nippert.

And Likens appreciates the help from all of those involved, as they prepare for the county’s biggest event of the year. 

“We’ve been really lucky for a lot of years. We had a lot of good kids come through here,” said Likens.