NGPC talks deer numbers in southeast Nebraska, as hunting season nears a close
LINCOLN, Neb - As the deer season winds down in Nebraska, the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission is beginning to assess population data gathered from reordered hunter harvests.
In southeast Nebraska, Big Game Program Manager Luke Meduna says the buck harvest was generally stable with recent years.
“The buck harvest was level, the antler less was down a bit,” Meduna said. “I think that had to do with the weather, the warmer temperatures, I think people held off on taking a doe and having to deal with the meat. Blue Northwest and Blue Southeast, were down about 4%-5% on the buck harvest and maybe a bit more on the antlerless harvest.”
While the region suffered a slight decline, it wasn’t as big as other areas of the state. Meduna says of the reasons for that is historically strong deer populations, but also a less Chronic Waste Disease.
“Not likely to be having a population impact down here,” Meduna said. “It maybe having more of an impact in the western part of the state, but figuring out how big of an impact can be a hard one to pin down.”
As many hunters put away their guns and bows for the year, the prep for land and habitat begins or next year.
“Going into the winter is a great time to do timber work,” Medusa said. “Always easier to run a chain saw when its colder.. Now through March and April is a great time to take care of cedars that need to be removed, or some timber canopy work, and anything you can do for preparations for next year.”