LINCOLN, Neb. -- Over two years in prison was given to a Lincoln man after his firearm conviction.

Acting U.S. Attorney Susan Lehr said 20-year-old Said Muhammad Almustaqiim, of Lincoln, was sentenced on Friday. He was convicted for being an unlawful user of a controlled substance in possession of a firearm. Almustaqiim will serve 30 months in prison with a three-year term of supervised release after. There is no parole in the federal system. 

Court documents state that Almustaqiim was stopped by an officer with the Lincoln Police Department on March 21, 2021. The vehicle Almustaqiim was driving did not have a license plate and had an expired “in-transit” sticker. Almustaqiim was the only person inside.

Officials said the officer noticed the odor of burnt marijuana inside the vehicle. Almustaqiim told the officer he had just placed a “roach” inside a drink container. A “roach” is a common slang term meaning the remains of a used marijuana cigarette.

According to authorities, they found 22 grams of marijuana, a digital scale, and $40 in a backpack in the car. A loaded Canik, model TP9DA, 9mm handgun was found underneath the driver’s seat. Almustaqiim told officers that he was a user of marijuana.

The investigation was conducted by the Lincoln Police Department and the Federal Bureau of Investigation. The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives assisted with an examination of the firearm.