Man rescued from Lincoln apartment window during fire

LINCOLN, Neb. -- A man was rescued from a windowsill during an apartment fire in Lincoln Tuesday afternoon.
At approximately 4:30 p.m., Lincoln Fire and Rescue was called to 16th and G Streets on a report of smoke and flames coming from a third-story apartment.
Rescuers were advised that there was a man sitting in a window saying he needed to jump. First-responders found the man on a smoke-filled windowsill three stories up, set up a ladder and rescued the man.
The man refused treatment by LFR but went to the hospital by private vehicle with minor injuries.
Heavy flames and smoke were found inside the apartment and extinguished within about 15 minutes. Firefighters found the man’s dog and gave it to animal control.
Crews worked ventilating and salvaging many of the apartments and made sure the fire had not extended to any other units. Several did have smoke damages and the apartments below the fire had some water damage.
No determination on the exact cause of the fire has been made. Inspectors reported smoking materials as well as some electrical sources near the point of origin.
Fire alarms were working and alerted the building residents.
Damages are expected to be at least $150,000. No additional injuries were reported.