BEATRICE -Two members of the Beatrice District 15 School Board were recognized Monday night as they attended their final regular monthly meeting as elected representatives. Jon Zimmerman has served for 14 years on the board, while Erin Chadwick has served four years.

"Many people think when you're elected as a board member, all you do is show up to a meeting once or twice a month and vote for things. You maybe read some materials and participate in some school activities or multiple other things....but that is far from the truth".

Superintendent Jason Alexander said both Zimmerman and Chadwick have been important voices in what the district is all about. Zimmerman, known for his sense of humor, wore an Orangeman Marching Band outfit to the board meeting.

He has served as President and Vice President of the Board and on several committees. Alexander described him as an advocate for what’s best for students and noted his multiple levels of service with the Nebraska Association of School Boards.

"Jon's been an integral part of the building project that we're currently in the middle of. He's served on the buildings and grounds committee to help with that. From the beginning, Jon has been an advocate about doing what's best for students...or putting kids first, as the sign says in the back of our board room."
Alexander credited Chadwick for not only her school board work but also with other local entities.

Board member Erin Chadwick

"She has served on multiple committees as well...and helped us in times of need with her expertise and connections within the community with things such as NGage, chamber of commerce and economic development."

Reelected and newly elected school board members start their terms in January.

Also Monday night, the school district recognized Exmark Manufacturing of Beatrice as the District’s Business Friend of the Month…..and recognized Paddock Lane Elementary Custodian Ben Nies, as District Employee of the Month.