Large grass fire ignites north of Beatrice
BEATRICE - Crews from seven departments battled a large field fire in southeast Nebraska Wednesday afternoon and evening....fanned out of control by strong south winds gusting to nearly 40 miles-per-hour.
At abaout 4:00 p.m, a fire was reported having started in a ditch at S. 51st and Hickory Road, near Bear Creek Lake northeast of Beatrice. The fire burned an area of grass and soybean stubble.
The main hot spot crews worked on dousing near dusk was an area of a brush pile that quickly ignited and spread flames to other trees and stumps in the area. Also being burned were hay bales.
Fire crews on scene included Beatrice Rural Fire and Rescue, Pickrell Fire and Rescue, Adams Fire and Rescue, Filley Fire and Blue Springs and Wymore Fire and Rescue Departments...along with a unit from the Homestead National Historical Park.
Initially there were two fires.....a smaller flare up that firefighters doused first, before addressing the much larger blaze. Farmers brought tractors pulling discs to help cut fire lines. Officials were also making use of a loader to handle burn piles. In addition to tanker trucks carrying water, fire units used a City of Beatrice hydrant at 19th and Dorsey to get more water.
Beatrice Rural Fire reported the fire was contained to an area trees by about 8:38 p.m., and that rotating fire personnel were going to be remaining on scene overnight.
The fire burned a large swath between Hickory and Hackberry Roads. No official word yet, on the cause of the fire.