LINCOLN - Nebraska community college students can now add Western Governors University to the list of potential transfer schools after an agreement signed this week.

Southeast Community College President Dr. Paul Illich joined Nebraska Gov. Pete Ricketts, WGU President Scott Pulsipher and other representatives from the state’s two-year colleges for an articulation agreement signing ceremony in SCC’s Health Sciences Facility on the Lincoln Campus.

Illich said, “This is why we’re here, giving everyone access to the life-changing benefits of higher education".

Representatives from Central, Northeast and Western community colleges also were in attendance. WGU’s agreement also includes Mid-Plains and Metro community colleges.

It's a renewal of a memorandum of understanding between WGU and the state of Nebraska initially signed 25 years ago when the state, and then Gov. Ben Nelson, helped create the University.

Governor Ricketts said the renewed partnership will help engage Nebraskans who are working adults and those with some college but no credential to complete bachelor’s and master’s degrees in high-demand fields.