Firefighters sent to field blaze, southwest of Beatrice

BEATRICE – Fire units were called out to a southeast Nebraska field fire, Monday. Beatrice Rural Firefighters were sent to the fire seven miles southwest of Beatrice just after three p.m.
A fire in a corn stubble field sent two rural fire trucks and a Homestead National Historical Park Fire Unit to multiple areas burning in a field south of the unincorporated village of Ellis.
The fire burned from near a ditch along West Oak Road north, to near West Maple Road.
A Gage County Sheriff’s officer also responded to the scene. The fire burned through a draw in the corn stubble. A pivot irrigation system helped spray some water on the area and farm tractors with disks were being used to cut fire lines around the flames.
No buildings appeared to be involved in the fire, with units still putting out hotspots about an hour after being dispatched.
Areas in the southeast corner of Nebraska are under a fire weather watch from Tuesday afternoon through Tuesday evening. Much of central Nebraska was included in a Red Flag Warning for extreme fire danger. Much of central and southern Nebraska was included in a Red Flag Warning, for extreme fire danger, on Monday.