BEATRICE – Some southeast Nebraska counties were successful in getting state assistance replacing bridges, in the latest round of a cooperative funding program through the State of Nebraska.

The Bridge Match program offers state assistance to pay up to 55% of  the cost of local projects, up to a maximum of $200,000 for each project.

In the latest round of the program, Johnson County was awarded two projects….box culvert installations six miles west of Cook and about two miles east of Elk Creek.

A concrete box culvert project was also selected for assistance a mile south of Auburn in Nemaha County.  Three culvert pipe projects will be awarded funding in the bridge match program, located in Otoe County, near Unadilla. 

A Pawnee County culvert project is also awarded state funding.  It is located a mile-and-a-half east of DuBois.   A concrete box culvert project and removal of a structure were also approved in Richardson County.