Beatrice Police Honors for response to hostage situation
BEATRICE – Several officers and dispatchers have been honored for rescuing two children from an east Beatrice home in early September in a hostage situation…where a woman was shot to death.
Police Department Director Jay Murphy said the group was being honored for their roles in planning entry to a Hillcrest home, allowing two children to escape the house and then taking into custody a man now awaiting trial for the killing.
Officers and Negotiators Tim Price and Zac Lauenstein were presented meritorious service awards and Sergeants Brian Carver and Shane Mololey…and Officers Kelly Byrne, Zac Smith and Ben Schank earned Medals of Valor for their roles. Captain Dan Moss said the removal of the children from the house and capture of the suspect took place without further incident.
"Sergeant Mololey, using a ram, struck the front door twice, breaking the door loose from its dead bolt and multiple screws. Officer Kelly Byrne entered the home first, using a ballistic shield to put himself between where the suspect was last known to be...and the exit door for the children. Officer Byrne was met by the suspect coming out of the Sergeant Carver was ushering the two victims out of the house. The suspect was caught by surprise and quickly surrendered to officers and was placed in restraints. A loaded handgun was found on the half-wall outside the suspect's bedroom. Officers' actions that night directly led to successful plan execution and the best possible outcome to a dangerous situation. You are all a huge credit to this department and an example for other officers to follow."
Mayor Bob Morgan publicly thanked the officers and dispatchers for the jobs they do.
"You guys hold a very special place and a very high protection for our city. We wish we didn't have situations like what you had to face, but we know that we do. From us, a very heartfelt thanks....and thanks for everything you do each and every day."
Southeast Communications Director Carla Zarybnicky presented Meritorious Service awards to dispatchers Fred Naumann and Hallie Shank. Naumann received the initial call about the shooting…reported as a father shooting the girl’s mother. He stayed on the phone for about two hours with the victim, keeping her aware of the officers’ actions. Dispatcher Schank coordinated all other emergency traffic and call-out of negotiators, a special response team, crime scene team, additional officers and the staging EMS services.