BEATRICE – Beatrice Police held a event at Charles Park, called Coffee with Cop Thursday morning…a chance for citizens to meet with local law enforcement to ask questions or express concerns…and further events may be held.

"Actually, we talked about that this morning, maybe having it once a month, or maybe on a Saturday which may be a little more convenient for everyone. The winter months, maybe, it's a work in progress."

The informal gathering at the parking area of the Beatrice Middle School next to Charles Park…..provided a good opportunity for police to meet personally with the public beyond their regular duty contacts. Police Director Jay Murphy says it’s been a typical year for officers, even though a few more serious crimes can sometimes skew perceptions.

"I did hear on the news this morning about how the crime rate is down in many places around the country, and I started thinking about that....and, I think it is down a little bit. It seems to be. It hasn't been all that busy...although over the last month or so, it's been pretty busy...but overall, it hasn't been too bad."

For those who can’t make the informal sessions with police such as Tuesday’s Charles Park event, Murphy encourages the public not to be afraid to contact police about matters, including any concerns they have...or report suspected crime.

"We're on social media, as well. A lot of people just like to do it, that way. You can always call in to the Beatrice Police Department, you never have to use your can always be an anonymous call. That's how a lot of crimes, a lot of issues get solved. Call us, and we'll try to work through it."

Beatrice Police also recently hosted an event observing Child Passenger Safety Week…offering car seat safety checks and helping parents install child safety seats properly, in their vehicles.