Michael John Harms
Michael John Harms was born March 1, 1959, in Fairbury, Nebraska to Wilber C. and Bernice (Schenk) Harms. Mike died August 24, 2024, at the age of 65 years of a stroke.
Mike was baptized March 15, 1959 at the Trinity Lutheran Church by Gladstone, Nebraska and confirmed in 1972 at Grace Lutheran Church in Fairbury.
He grew up on a farm and attended grade school in Reynolds, Nebraska, then graduated in 1977 from Fairbury High School. Mike attended Southeast Community College in Fairbury and graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree at University of Nebraska – Lincoln in Ag Economics.
He lived most of his life in Fairbury and went on to be a meat cutter at Jack & Jill grocery store, then moved on to American Tool as a mechanical maintenance man in Beatrice. Mike later worked at Austin Farms for many years, as farming was his love, then on to Westin Packaged Meats in Receiving.
Mike was in cub scouts, became an eagle scout and helped with boy scouts, ushering at the Nebraska football games. He played baseball and softball along with football and basketball in high school. Mike has been active all his life in church and served in various capacities as candlelighter, usher, trustee and elder at Grace Lutheran Church in Fairbury.
He loved spending time in his backyard with his rose bed, flowerbeds and vegetable garden and gave most of the flowers and vegetables to neighbors and friends. He enjoyed Nebraska volleyball, football and basketball games and was a handyman, always willing to help others.
He is survived by his sister Mary Harms of Lincoln, nine cousins and wonderful friends. He was preceded in death by his parents, sisters Sheila and Janette along with grandparents.
Visitation will take place at Gerdes-Meyer Funeral Home on Friday August 30th at 6 to 8 p.m. Services for Mike will be held on Saturday, August 31st at 11:00 a.m. at Grace Lutheran Church in Fairbury, Nebraska. A burial will take place foll
owing the luncheon at Grace Lutheran Cemetery near Gladstone, Nebraska.