LINCOLN – The Nebraska Department of Transportation will hold a public information open house on proposed improvements to U.S. Highway 77 in Lancaster County.  The session is Thursday, April 18, 2024, from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m., in the auditorium at NDOT Headquarters in Lincoln.

The proposed project includes US-77 beginning at Rokeby Road and extending north to Calvert Street. It includes construction of a new interchange at US-77 and Warlick Boulevard.,,, a new interchange at 77 and Pioneers… and closing two existing intersections at 77 and Yankee Hill Road and 77 and Old Cheney.

The Warlick interchange would include just over a mile of pavement reconstruction along Warlick Boulevard/West Denton Road from Folsom Street to the Salt Creek Bridge. The work at the Pioneers interchange would include about two-thirds of a mile of pavement construction along Pioneers Boulevard from west of Folsom Street to the west of South 1st Street.

Construction could start as early as spring of 2025 and be completed by fall 2028.

The project on U.S. 77 would be constructed under traffic with lane closures, traffic control devices and practices. Temporary crossovers and head-to-head traffic would be used at times to maintain traffic along US-77.  Side roads may be closed and traffic detoured while the new interchanges are being constructed.

Comments related to potential side road closures and detours will be taken at public open house. NDOT personnel will be available to answer questions, receive comments, and discuss any aspect of the proposed highway improvement project.

On another project....Weather permitting, work will begin April 8th on Nebraska Highway 67, from the N-105 and N-67 Junction to Nebraska Highway 128, near the Brock and Lorton areas in Nemaha and Otoe Counties.

Constructors, Inc. of Lincoln is the contractor for the eight-mile project. Work includes culvert replacement, grading, bridge repair, guardrail, and asphalt overlay. Traffic will be maintained with pilot cars and flaggers. A 12-foot width restriction will be in effect.

Beginning in May, traffic will be detoured using N-128, U.S. 75 and U.S. 136 with local access only within the project limits… to accommodate culvert construction.
Anticipated completion is November of this year.