FAIRBURY, Neb. -- Multiple four-way intersections in Fairbury have no stop-signs. That could make it dangerous for cars approaching in two different directions.

Some of those intersections include I and 6th Streets as well as F and 11th Streets.

Jefferson County Sheriff Nick Georgi said drivers can treat those intersections as though they have stop signs. 

“The biggest thing, you know, these intersections that are four-way, that aren’t marked with stop signs, you can treat all intersections as a stop sign if you wanted to,” Georgi said. “The common rule is yield the right of way. So when you are approaching the intersection, if you do see traffic coming, you always want to yield to the right if you are going straight. If you are turning or going left to right at the intersection, you always want to yield to any driver that is at the intersection.”

Speeding cars can be another issue when approaching the intersections. Georgi emphasized that you can only control how you drive, which is why driving defensively can help keep you safer from other drivers.

“Another big thing is always drive defensively. Defensive driving is something they teach in driver’s ed. It’s in the driver’s manual. Your only guarantee is what you’re doing, you can’t guarantee what other drivers are doing or are going to do at the intersection," said Georgi. "So being defensive when you’re driving, being aware of other people in the area, other vehicles and pedestrians is always going to make it safer as you are approaching those intersections.”

Four-way intersections around the country have stop signs but in rural towns in Nebraska, that is not as common. These tips from Sheriff Georgi could help drivers around Fairbury stay safe when passing through those intersections in town.