JEFFERSON AND SALINE COUNTIES, NE — Many made their ways out to the polls Tuesday to cast votes in the midterm elections. Here are local results for Jefferson and Saline County. 

In Jefferson County, incumbent county commissioners Mark Schoenrock and Michael Dux held onto their seats. 

Schoenrock defeated Glenn Behrends 617-306 to keep a hold of the district one seat. Dux meanwhile took down write-in candidate David Stickney Jr. by a count of 498-107. 

Behrends did earn his spot back on the Diller Village Board however (see those results below).

The other big Jefferson County race was the Fairbury School Board. In that race, in which voters were to pick three candidates, Jonathan Winter, Neil Lucking and Andrea Schmidt were the top vote getters. 

Winter — a current board member — received 1,405 votes while newcomers Lucking gathered 1,221 and Schmidt got 1,032. 

Current board president Barry Schwab came in fourth with 899 votes, meaning he will no longer be on the board when the new term starts. The other candidate, Jerold Ebke finished with 803 votes. 

Another contested race in Jefferson county was for County Treasurer, Republican Leroy Bast retains his position who received 2,174 votes.  His opponent Democrat Vickie Banahan received 549.  

The four members of the Fairbury City Council up for reelection (Tim Polson, Brian Schmidt, Dusty Schmidt and Phil Rogge) all ran unopposed. 


Here are the village board votes for villages in Jefferson County.

DAYKIN (Vote for 3)

Patricia Johnson - 56 votes
Mark Houser - 52 votes
Peggy Tilgner - 41 votes
Anne Simms - 35 votes
Pamela Turner - 13 votes

DILLER (Vote for 2)

Glenn Behrends - 78 votes
Lawrence Keuten - 59 votes

ENDICOTT (Vote for 2)

Tracy Arntt - 44 votes
Hayden Nutsch - 42 votes

HARBINE (Vote for 2)

Brenda Engelman - 15 votes
Bonita Keuten - 9

JANSEN (Vote for 3)

Joyce Ambrose - 42 votes
Matthew leatherwood - 31 votes

PLYMOUTH (Vote for 2)

Bruce Wollenburg - 111 votes
Garrett Freese - 106 votes
Jay Schroeder - 45 votes
Robert Bonin - 17 votes

REYNOLDS (Vote for 2)

Josh Buxton - 19 votes
Donald Cook - 16 votes

STEELE CITY (Vote for 2)

William Scheele - 22 votes
Angela Sullivan - 20 votes
Mary Ann Partin - 4 votes

In Saline County, Crete's Mayor won his bid for reelection over challenger Ryan Hinz. Bauer won the vote 626-552. 

The same could be said for Friend, who reelected Mayor Judith Knoke over Tina Filipi by a vote of 323 to 119. 

The following are the village board results vote villages in Saline County: 

DeWITT (Vote for 3)

Shawn Weise - 113 votes
Jordan Rahe - 112 votes
Sonja Workman - 101 votes
Raymond Brown - 84 votes
Randall Badman - 45 votes
Travis Murray - 39 votes
Max Nickel - 27 votes

DORCHESTER (Vote for 3)

Matt Shaw - 116 votes
Roger Miller - 97 votes
Sara Wenz - 96 votes

SWANTON (Vote for 3)

Lynn Strouf - 33 votes
Charlie Runty - 32 votes

TOBIAS (Vote for 3)

Gary Dick - 14 votes

WESTERN (Vote for 3)

Todd Schelbitzki - 69 votes
Devon Maschman 59 - votes
Diane Hand - 48 votes