BEATRICE – A Gage County Board member who was the target of an unsuccessful petition campaign to recall him, Wednesday, said the effort involved “partisan personal agendas related to national issues, and unrelated to Gage County business.”

Sixth District Board member Don Schuller said elected officials should stay focused on county business.  "As a representative of my district, it's my job to consider everyone, and not just the vocal few. While I'm personally pleased that the recall effort failed, I remain deeply concerned about the lies that were told about me, that I went door-to-door to stop it, and that I tried to intimidate residents in my district. My votes and actions are consistent with the scope of a supervisor's duties. I personally pledge to continue to serve my constituents with integrity, to fulfill my role as a supervisor faithfully...and remain grateful for their enduring confidence in me."

Schuller got the backing of former long-time county supervisor and past board chairman Dave Anderson, of Odell. During the public forum section of the board meeting…Anderson said he’s concerned about the tone of discussion, recently.

"It's my general concern in the local area of radical right-wing populist politics pressuring people like you on the board...certainly pressuring the city council...the mayor's race is very obvious of this...and even in the school systems I'm hearing complaints of right wing input...which is fair game. Lord knows, it's politics....but there's a lot of push in this direction."

Anderson, who served four terms on the Gage County Board and several other agencies, addressed the contentious issue of renewable energy in Gage County, and the fight to keep wind farms out.

"Your general anti-opinion to renewable, obviously the windmill project in the north was probably a lousy location, I totally understand it. But, to go extreme and basically kill renewable energy in the whole county, probably was not the best way to go."

Anderson also called into question lack of support by the board for masks and vaccine during the pandemic…..calling it not supportive of county officials who face the public every day. He also cited a general anti-federal government attitude, with more time being spent on federal issues that could be spent on county government matters.  Anderson described the recent recall effort as, “juvenile, politically”.   Organizers did not turn in any signatures, missing the deadline for submitting them.

Anderson noted one current board member had a “Let’s Go Brandon” message…a criticism of the current President… displayed on farm property that shows up on aerial photos of the county.

Anderson cautioned that what the board does, collectively… does matter.