JEFFERSON COUNTY - A former sheriff’s deputy heading to trial over an accusation that he failed to serve a warrant plans to run for sheriff.

Wilbur Young, 59, of Fairbury was fired by the Jefferson County Sheriff in October after an investigation. He was tasked with serving a warrant between October 27-November 26 against Jerry Barnes for violation of felony probation. Young denied the allegation and a jury trial is set for early April.

Young was one of several applicants who applied for the vacant position last spring before current sheriff Nick Georgi was selected. Georgi plans to run for sheriff again. 

The 59-year-old Young is charged with neglect or delay to serve a felony arrest warrant in late 2020. He was a Jefferson County Sheriff’s deputy at the time and, according to court documents, was tasked with serving the warrant against Jerry Barnes between October 27-November 26 for a violation of felony probation.

Jefferson County Sheriff Nick Georgi says his office started an internal investigation once staff received a complaint in August, 2021. The investigation was turned over to the Nebraska State Patrol and the Nebraska Attorney General’s Office because Young was a county employee. The formal charge was filed against Young on November 3, 2021, about a year after the alleged offense.