Now that the brunt of the first major winter storm of the season has passed, the city of Fairbury issued an article on Monday outlining the answers to common questions that crop up when snow is expected, or already on the ground. The following is a full reprint of the city's release, which you can also read online on the city's website. Take extra steps to stay informed and stay safe during this storm, and any other upcoming hazardous weather occurrences.




Q.    What do crews do if there is not enough snow to plow, but the streets are icy?

A.    During light snow falls, and when the streets are icy, street crews will spread a mixture of salt and sand on streets, steep hills, the downtown area, and intersections with stop signs.   


Q.    When does snow removal begin?

A.    Our policy is to begin plowing when we receive 2 inches. We will start plowing snow routes first, then we will plow residential streets after snow routes are completed.


Q.    When will my street be plowed?

A.    Depending on the severity of the snowstorm, residential streets are usually plowed within 24 hours after the storm ends.  However, it may take longer to clear all City streets in case of a blizzard or equipment failure.


Q.    Should we move our cars from residential streets?

A.    Though not required it would be helpful if cars are moved into a driveway or to a street that has been cleared.


Q.    What about my alley?

A.    Residential alleys will be cleared at the discretion of the street department and only after the streets are cleared.


Q.    What about driveways and sidewalks?

A.    When clearing your street, crews have no place to push the snow except to the curb. This creates the unavoidable problem of already cleared sidewalks and driveways becoming covered with snow. Unfortunately, the City does not have the money or personnel to clean sidewalks and driveways. The City Street Dept asks your cooperation in removing the snow again. We all need to work together to keep our City safe, including clearing sidewalks of snow.                             

The City code further states that no person shall deposit, blow, or otherwise dispose of any snow, ice, or hard packed snow on any public property, street, alley, or other public way except for the sidewalks in the downtown area.


Q.    How quickly do I need to clear my sidewalk?

A.    Businesses are required to clean their sidewalks within 5 hours after a storm or by 9 a.m. and residents are required to clean their sidewalks within 24 hours after a storm.  

Remember when clearing snow not to pile higher than 3 ½ feet at intersections and approaches.  This causes visual obstruction and can create hazardous driving conditions.


Q.    What about snow removal in the downtown area?

A.    It is not practical to try and clear the streets of snow during the daytime hours due to the amount of traffic and parked cars so removal in the business district is usually done before or after business hours. The downtown business district is a No Parking - Tow Away Zone after 2” of snowfall until snow is windrowed to the center of the street.  Once the snow is windrowed it will be hauled out and although parallel parking is not required it would be helpful on the narrow streets. Your cooperation will be greatly appreciated.


Q.    What if my mailbox gets covered or knocked over?

A.    Again, because crews have no place to put the snow, curbside mailboxes may become blocked or get knocked over.  It is up to the property owner to ensure that their mailbox is mounted on a post with enough strength to withstand snow coming off the blade of the truck. The force of the snow off of the blade can knock over mailboxes. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.


Q.    What is meant by a “snow emergency”?

A.    When the Mayor or his or her designated representative declares a snow emergency, it simply means no vehicles may be parked on streets where you see Emergency Snow Route signs.  Any vehicles parked on snow routes during a snow emergency may be towed.  Should a snow emergency be declared, notice will be given by the local radio station and residents located on the emergency routes will be called if you are signed up for the Community alert notification system (to sign up for this service please contact Jefferson County Emergency Management at 402-729-3602).


Q.    If I have an emergency, what should I do? 

A.    Call the Police Department or 911.


Q.    What if I have questions about snow removal?

A.    If you have questions, you may call the Public Works Dept at 402-729-5261.