The Fairbury Cemetery getting new road renovations
FAIRBURY, Neb. -- The Fairbury Cemetery will be undergoing renovations to more of its roads very soon.
After phase one of the cemetery road project poured concrete on and widened some of the roads, the Secretary Treasurer of the Fairbury Cemetery Association, Charles Endorf, said it's time to renovate more roads.
“Well, we are going into phase two of our road project,” Endorf said. “As many of you probably know, we did phase one here a couple of years ago and you can see the vast improvements we made to the cemetery roads and so we are going into phase two now.”
First, they will renovate a loop by the mausoleum and name it Barry Denney loop.
“If you come in off the PWF Road, where that donor wall is at, we are also going to do a loop that curves around from that mausoleum, up around the first curve and back over towards where the shop area is at,” Endorf said.
Then, they will widen and put concrete on dirt roads on the south side of the cemetery.
“This will be on the south and southwest part of the cemetery,” Endorf said. “Coming in off the west entrance, heading a little bit south and east.”
Contributions from community members and others completely covered the cost of work for phase one.
Endorf would love to see the support from the community for phase two as well, a $260,000 goal.
“And you can see, from what we have done in the past, what a vast improvement that did to the roads and we want to improve it more again,” Endorf said.
Endorf said they have received a lot of help and donations from Barry Denney, who resides in Arizona, and Bob Hose, who lives in York, but were both originally from Fairbury.
They have been big catalysts for the funding of the project.
“Two guys, from 50 to 60 years ago from Fairbury, got these things going,” Endorf said. “And Bob has done a tremendous amount of work. The logistics and all that takes place to put this program together. Not just those two guys but all donors.”
Endorf thanks all donors who support the project, in which they are hoping to be done in the fall.
Donations can be sent to the Fairbury Cemetery Association, Box 408, with a note indicating the intent to help fund the road project.