JEFFERSON COUNTY, Neb. -- Jefferson County released its commissioner update with updates on taxes, road construction, and community well-being. 

The county lowered its levy 5.2% with an increase on an approved budget of 3.3%. The county tax request on county operations on PWF highway bond and ambulance costs increased by about $33,000 over the year. 

A big part of the update featured road improvement and construction, including road maintenance and improvements, citizen safety/law enforcement and 24/7 advanced life support ambulance operations.

In their one and six year road plan, which is reviewed every winter or early spring, the county had received more grants to assist with road construction, increasing construction work in the areas while limiting the use of Jefferson County tax money.

Jefferson County was successful in obtaining two more bridges to be funded under the Nebraska Department of Transportation. The Steele City bridge will be replaced and funded by NDOT along with Steele City Road, due to heavy truck traffic significantly damaging the road during pipeline cleanup efforts. 

Cedar Valley Paving LLC is also planning construction on the Endicott Clay Road Project this spring. 

Aiding the community was a big part of the update, by bringing high speed internet to 100 additional Jefferson County homes, working with the Nebraska government to address workforce housing and childcare shortage and addressing the importance of mental health. 

Multiple Jefferson County representatives were in attendance at a community health summit in Geneva in an effort to learn and help citizens who struggle with mental health.