Twenty-eight area high school students tried their hand at suturing bananas, giving shots to oranges, taking blood pressures, playing a game as if it was laparoscopic surgery, learning about radiology, and taking blood samples on Thursday, Sept. 29, at the Southeast Community College Career Academy event at Jefferson Community Health & Life in Fairbury. They also learned about medical terminology and health care careers.

“We are always pleased for opportunities for Health Career Academy students to learn about the many health care careers, and have the opportunity to try hands-on activities,” said Adam Niederklein, SCC Career Academy Coordinator for the Southeast Nebraska Career Academy Partnership (SENCAP.)

SENCAP is a partnership between Southeast Community College and 47 school districts, offering high school juniors and seniors the opportunity to enroll in college level courses in fields in their area of interest: agriculture, business, construction, criminal justice, education, health sciences, information technology, manufacturing and welding. Besides taking dual credit high school/college courses, the students have the opportunity to explore their career in a hands-on approach through job shadowing, field trips, professional speakers and annual events highlighting resume building, mock interviews and other career-related activities.

Jefferson Community Health & Life has worked with the SENCAP program in a variety of ways, including career exploration, tours, and shadowing. On Sept. 29, they hosted 28 students and 4 educators from Beatrice, Bruning-Davenport, Deshler, Fairbury, Fillmore Central, Shickley, Sterling, Thayer Central and Tri County.

“This is a partnership which benefits not only the students, but also our community, as it encourages young people to consider career opportunities in health care,” said Lana Likens, JCH&L director of public relations.